
The center offers various discounts for students from different social groups, as well as talented students to study on preferential terms. Discounts are applied during the admission to the Centre and during the educational process in the following cases:

Full payment discount:  

  • The parent can pay the annual tuition fee in full or in part. 10% discount on advance payments until May 31 or 5% discount on advance payments until August 31. The discount on one-time payment does not apply after this date.

Discounts on the annual admission campaign:  

  • Each year by march 1, special campaign conditions may be applied to stimulate student enrollment for the next school year in accordance with the requirements of the respective years. It is recommended that you follow our social media accounts and website to be aware of such campaigns.

Special conditions for employees: 

  • 50% discount on tuition fees may be applied for the children of employees who have been working at the Centre on a permanent basis for at least two years and have special services in the development of the school. The maximum number of students per employee is 2.

Discount for the same family members:  

  • If there are more than one child (brother / sister) studying in the Centre from the same family, a 10% discount is applied to the tuition fees of the next children. When there is a difference between the tuition fees of the students, the discount is applied to the lowest tuition fee.

Discount for graduates:   

  • Children of the Centre's graduates (regardless of which parent they are) are entitled to a 10% discount on tuition fees for all levels of education provided at the Centre. To take advantage of this discount, the parent must provide a certificate of graduation from the Centre.

Discounts on admission (incomplete year) within the academic year:  

  • A 20% discount is applied to the tuition fee of the relevant academic year for students admitted during the academic year (November 01-November 30).
     A 30% discount is applied to the tuition fee of the corresponding academic year for students admitted during the academic year (December 01-December 31).
    A 40% discount is applied to the tuition fee of the relevant academic year for students admitted during the academic year (January 01-January 31).
    A 50% discount is applied to the tuition fees of the relevant academic year for students admitted during the academic year (February 01-February 28).
    A 60% discount is applied to the tuition fees of the corresponding academic year for students admitted during the academic year (March 01-March 31).
    A 70% discount is applied to the tuition fee of the corresponding academic year for students admitted during the academic year (April 01-June 15).

Discounts for the promotion of talented students (for students who show high results during the school entrance exam, in the Olympiad and project competitions held at the national or international level):  

  • 50%, 30% and 20% discounts on annual education can be applied to the candidates who show high results (take the first 3 places) during the school entrance exam, respectively; 
  • Discounts and rebates are applied to the annual tuition fees of current students of the Centre (starting from the next academic year) or new students who took the first 3 places in the Republican subject / project Olympiads and International subject / project Olympiads as follows:

To the students who took the first 3 places in the International Subject Olympiads:  

  • 1st place: 100% 
  • 2nd place: 50% 
  • 3rd place: 30% 

To the students who took the first 3 places in the International Project Olympiads:  

  • 1st place: 50% 
  • 2nd place: 30% 
  • 3rd place: 20% 

To the students who took the first 3 places in the Republican subject Olympiads:  

  • 1st place: 50% 
  • 2nd place: 30% 
  • 3rd place: 20% 

To the students who took the first 3 places in the Republican project Olympiads:  

  • 1st place: 30% 
  • 2nd place: 20% 
  • 3rd place: 10%