"Skills of the XXI century" Olympiad final round

The results of the inter-school Olympiad on "Skills of the XXI century" have been announced!
On May 6, 2022, the final stage of the inter-school Olympiad on "Skills of the XXI century" was held at our Centre. 10 teams qualified for the final round of the Olympiad. The results were checked on the same day, and an award ceremony took place a few hours later. The ceremony was attended by principals of schools where the finalists studied, other representatives of the educational community and other guests.
The first place was awarded to the "MatHunters" team from the 160th Classical Gymnasium, and the second and third places were awarded to the Turkish Solidarity Foundation Baku Turkish Lyceum students "Deyanat" and "PowerUp" students from the Physics, Mathematics and Informatics High School. It should be noted that, in addition to team skills, students were awarded I, II and III places in the category of individual skills.
Congratulations to all the winners and participants, we wish them continued success!